- The Difference - is Professional Tribal Knowledge Passed on.
- To Learn from The Best, Train with the Best and Play The Best!
- Prepare Our Players not only to Accept College Offers, But Stay in College Because They arrive Prepared!
- Understand the Business of Team Basketball at a College level which means "Playing The Game The Right Way"
- Teach Players, as a Team they will be Contributing to History of the Game (on video/TV) that they Love, along their personal Journey. Leave "I'll Get Mines" Behind.
- Create a Team Basketball Family (Forget About Me I Love You) that Supports each other as they move on to College.
- Ensure each Players Toolbox includes the ABC's (in our case includes D and E) they will need to show up to work:
- A - Athleticism
- B - Brains / Basketball IQ
- C - Coachable
- D - Determination / Desire
- E - Effort
"First thing I was asked this season by another coach was 'Why are you openly sharing all your Tribal Knowledge, aren't you worried about giving away good stuff to the competition?' I just smiled and said no because great people of this game left it behind or shared it with us, it's not really ours... I am just a faithful messenger. Hopefully all the great programs out there are doing the same thing. If not, they are certainly welcome to come snatch it right off these pages. This is never about us as adults reliving our past, its about the kids living their future!" - Bill Mobley, Director Team Florida |